Data StructuresBinary Tree

Binary Tree

Binary Tree is an essential data structure for computer science. utilict provides all necessary methods to perform operations on the binary tree.


const tree = new BinaryTree(5); // The binary tree with root value as 5 is created.


getRoot()Gets the root of the tree.Root node of the tree.
setRoot(value)Sets the given value to the root node.void
insertNode(value, path)Inserts the value to the given path starting from the root. If the path is an empty string, then it will insert value as a root. Path should be in the form of L and R. Any characters other than these will throw an error.Root of the tree
inorder()Performs the inorder traversal on the tree.List of all node values in inorder manner.
preorder()Performs the preorder traversal on the tree.List of all node values in preorder manner.
postorder()Performs the postorder traversal on the tree.List of all node values in postorder manner.
levelOrder()Performs the level order traversal (breadth first search) on the tree.List of all node values in level order manner.
height()Calculates the height of the tree. Height is the number of edges in the tree from root to the deepest node.Height of the tree
nodeHeight()Calculates the height of the given node.Height of the node
invert()Constructs the invert (mirror image) of the given tree.The root of the inverted tree
updateNode(value, path)Updates the node value of a given path. If the path is an empty string, then it will update the root node value. Path should be in the form of L and R. Any characters other than these will throw an error.Root of the tree
deleteNode(path)Deletes the node of a given path. This will delete node and also its children. Path should be in the form of L and R. Any characters other than these will throw an error.Root of the tree


const tree = new BinaryTree(5); // Constructs a tree with 5 as a root node value.
tree.insertNode(3, "L"); // Inserts a node with value 3 on left of root.
tree.insertNode(9, "R"); // Inserts a node with value 9 on right of root.
tree.insertNode(5, "LR"); // Inserts a node with value 5 on right of 3.
tree.insertNode(7, "RL"); // Inserts a node with value 7 on left of 9.
tree.insertNode(6, "RLL"); // Inserts a node with value 6 on left on 7.
tree.insertNode(8, "RLR"); // Inserts a node with value 8 on right on 7.
tree.insertNode(12, "RR"); // Inserts a node with value 12 on right on 9.
tree.insertNode(20, "RRR"); // Inserts a node with value 20 on right on 12.
tree.inorder(); // Should return [3, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 20].
tree.preorder(); // Should return [5, 3, 5, 9, 7, 6, 8, 12, 20].
tree.postorder(); // Should return [5, 3, 6, 8, 7, 20, 12, 9, 5].
tree.levelOrder(); // Should return [5, 3, 9, 5, 7, 12, 6, 8, 20].
tree.height(); // Should return 4.
tree.updateNode(13, ""); // Should update root node with value 13.
tree.preorder(); // Should return [13, 3, 5, 9, 7, 6, 8, 12, 20].
tree.updateNode(31, "RLR"); // Updates the node with value 8 with 31.
tree.preorder(); // Should return [13, 3, 5, 9, 7, 6, 31, 12, 20].
tree.deleteNode("RR"); // Should delete the node 12.
tree.inorder(); // Should return [3, 5, 13, 6, 7, 31, 9].
tree.deleteNode("RLL"); // Should delete the node 6.
tree.inorder(); // Should return [3, 5, 13, 7, 31, 9].
tree.invert(); // Construct the invert (mirror) of the tree.
tree.inorder(); // Shoud return [9, 31, 7, 13, 5, 3].