Data StructuresComplex Number

Complex Number

Complex numbers are type of a number system consists of real and imaginary part. Imaginary parts are denoted by i represents the value sqaure root of -1. Complex numbers are mathemeatically denoted as a + bi where a is the real part and b is imaginary. utilict can perform basic number operations on the complex numbers.


const complex = new ComplexNumber(2, 3); // This will form a complex number (2 + 3i), 2 is the real and 3 is imaginary.


getReal() and setReal(number)Gets the real value and sets the real value to the complex number.
getImag() and setImag(number)Gets the imaginary value and sets the imaginary value to the complex number.
add(anotherComplexNumber)Adds the another complex number to this one and set the real and imaginary part to this
subtract(anotherComplexNumber)Subtracts the another complex number from this one and set the real and imaginary part to this
multiply(anotherComplexNumber)Multiplies the another complex number to this one and set the real and imaginary part to this
divide(anotherComplexNumber)Divides the another complex number to this one and set the real and imaginary part to this


const complex = new ComplexNumber(2, 3); // Creates a complex number 2 + 3i.
complex.add(new ComplexNumber(1, 7)); // Adds a new complex number 1 + 7i to the 2 + 3i, complex will be 3 + 10i.
complex.getReal(); // 3
complex.getImag(); // 10
complex.subtract(5, 6); // Subtracts a new complex number 5 + 6i from the 3 + 10i, complex will be -2 + 4i.
const complex2 = new ComplexNumber(3, 2); // Creates a complex number 3 + 2i.
complex2.multiply(new ComplexNumber(1, 7)); // Multiplies 1 + 7i to 3 + 2i, complex2 will be -11 + 23i.
const complex3 = new ComplexNumber(1, 1); // Creates a complex number 1 + 1i.
complex3.multiply(new ComplexNumber(1, 1)); // Multiplies 1 + 1i to 1 + 1i itself, complex3 will be 0 + 2i.
const complex4 = new ComplexNumber(2, 3); // Creates a complex number 2 + 3i.
complex4.divide(new ComplexNumber(4, -5)); // Divides 4 - 5i to 2 + 3i, complex4 will be -0.17073 + 0.53659i.